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Visiting a new church can be tough, we believe that knowing what to expect makes visiting a new church a little less daunting.  Our goal is to share as much information as possible and take out the guess work and eliminate as many unknowns as we can for you.  Below you will find information that we hope helps you feel more at ease as you plan your visit with us.  Also, check out our Plan Your Visit page!

Information Hub

Located in the back of the sanctuary is our information table.  There you can grab a bulletin, communion cup, get some extra information on the church or talk with our helpful volunteer manning the table.  

After Service

Most people hang out and fellowship after service ends.  We would like the opportunity to get to know you during this time!  After our service ends our pastor will be available in the main hallway and would love a moment with you!  Kids who were in childrens church will be brought into the sanctuary and if you have a child in the nursery just go by to sign them out.

Finding Us

LifeBridge is located at 617 Donelson Drive Kingsport, Tennessee.  We are directly behind Jackson Elementary School off of West Stone Drive.

Main Entrance

Our main entrance is the double glass doors located under the breezeway.  Someone will be there to gladly greet you!

Settle In

Our sanctuary is located at the end of the main hallway.  Sit anywhere you like!  The back rows we have reserved for visitors who would like to remain a little more unnoticed and parents with small children who sometimes need to make a quick exit to tend to their child.  

The Parking Lot

When you arrive feel free to park wherever you can find a spot, there is no reserved parking.  We also have a breezeway at the main entrance that you can use to unload passengers or on rainy days.

Your In!

When you enter the church you will be in our main hallway.  Someone from our hospitality team will be there to welcome you, give you a tour of the church if you like and answer any questions you might have.  

Service Begins

Our service begins at 10:30 AM.  After the countdown clock hits 0, there will be a warm welcome and a few praise and worship songs.  During this time we also invite elementary aged children to Children's Church.  We do communion every week and you are welcome to participate if you like.  After our time of worship our pastor gives the message and we close with a time of invitation and announcements.  As a visitor you will not be called on or singled out in any way during our service.

18 and Under Crowd

We provide a nursery for children and babies under 5.  The nursery is located in the main hallway just steps from the sanctuary.  We offer Children's Church for elementary age kids.  We dismiss them during the praise and worship part of the service, your child is welcome to participate!  Middle school and high school students remain in the service.  All of our volunteers and staff that work with kids of any age are background checked.  Many of our volunteers and regular attendees are also CPR certified.

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